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Our portfolio

A discrete yet comprehensive portfolio

Years of experience certainly bring expertise and a lot of achievements.


Still, being a fervent NDA signer, we cherish discretion.

Market positioning


Market positioning






Transition support


Branding & Rebranding


Branding & Rebranding


External communication & Community


External communication & Community


Optimization strategy & Web copywriting


Optimization strategy & Web copywriting


Marketing campaign


Marketing campaign


That’s why you won’t see us praising around with an open-hearted portfolio. We are used to work with administration boards, VPs, Department heads and entrepreneurs in order to support brand strategy, market positioning, change management. As our teamwork has financial and reputation impacts, we believe it deserves a fair amount of modesty. You don’t want us to share this with the entire world.


Still, we are happy to share a list of previous and current clients here, as working with them (or for them) surely helped us build up our expertise:

  • Centre de transfert technologique en écologie industrielle (CTTÉI)
  • Mathias Marine Sports
  • MRC Pierre-De Saurel
  • Rio Tinto
  • Solotech
  • E&Y
  • Desjardins
  • Alstom
  • Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Sorel-Tracy
  • Lussier Dale Parizeau
  • CPE La Marelle
  • Kérozen médias interactifs
  • HP (Hewlett-Packard)
  • Grenoble, Lyon cities
  • TC Médias
  • Sopexa
  • German Wines in Canada



A few numbers


Repositioning & rebranding Lussier Dale Parizeau

  • +10% growth in brand recognition (in 2 years)
  • +40% media coverage (in 3 years)


Comprehensive digital marketing strategy – with significant growth in leads generation & sales (Lussier Dale Parizeau)


External and internal communications, transition support & mergers (Lussier Dale Parizeau, Rio Tinto Iron & Titanium)


Writing and implementing policies and processes (internal communications, sponsorships, social medias)


Supervising, training, coaching business leaders, marketing advisors and technicians


Managing reseller sell-force kits creation and distribution with over $1 million yearly budget, providing services to 40 countries in 7 languages


Creating magazines, newsletters, websites, interviews, translating into 3 languages (English, French, German)


Coordinating public relations & information for the implementation of new public transports (Grenoble)


Creating urbanism shows (Lyon/Grenoble)



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