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Achievement: +10% brand awareness in 2 yearsicone publicité et campagne marketing

Advertising has multiple objectives: brand awareness, social acceptability, lead generation, sales. And so many ways to achieve all these.


We know you receive constant solicitations-media placement, sponsorships, events… but budgets aren’t unlimited and options aren’t worth the same.


Let’s got beyond the representative’s skills in order to make the right choices.



Your mix-media campaigns must base on tangible data. A precise canvas of goals, numbers and expected results will enhance your campaign’s quality, should it be oriented towards brand awareness or sales.


This is the very heart of what we do.


Our proposals base on tangible, external data:

  • Prospect targets / Personas
  • Media analysis
  • Costs vs. Efficiency
  • Perfect timing


As well internal requirements:

  • ROI
  • Operational constraints, such as sales-forces’ flexibility
  • Customer services organization


Ad Strategie piles up the data and comes up with campaign planification and execution, one goal after the other, one conversion after the other.
