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Transition support

Achievement: Replacing 50 legacy systems by SAP in 18 months

And no one collapsed. Well, almost no one! It wasn’t easy. But everybody knew why we were doing this, which is half of the work done.

By now, changes have become an immense part in business strategies. Mergers, acquisitions, technological changes: organisations have to move quicker and quicker. What a HR challenge!


Many organizations are still organized patriarchally and consider change management as a very “final” part of the process. Once all the important decisions have been taken, they will turn to communications and request their help while throwing everybody in the pan. Spoiler: This is not the right way to maximize human capital engagement and productivity.


Project management 2.0 is our strength. Don’t hesitate to rely on it.


Interested in taking advantage of our big companies and SMB experience in that field? We can help you diagnose, plan, communicate and implement.


  • Impact assessment, stakeholder’s identification, organizational structure analysis
  • Value-creation; revamping logistics processes
  • HR Engagement strategy
  • Deployment / implementation / communication

Transition support